Re-NEW-ABLE Energy resources..

RE-NEW-ABLE energy resources, sources of energy that are ABLE to be RE-NEWed. What are we waiting for then?
Ok, so what if I'm against people who play with their food, even if it's on a very large scale (like the ones using corn as biofuel).. African countries are starving to death, and countries like the United States are using corn as an alternative to gasoline.... Not only that, every source of enery has its cons, but should that mean that we give up them all? The most fuels with negative points are fossil fuels.... with all their emissions and "mortality" because we're running out of them.. So, what to do??

I call researchers, engineers, and all the ones who have the power to make a difference in the renewable energy resources technology to develop and improve them in order to lessen the obstacles built right in front of them..

Just one thing.. I'd prefer Arabs are the ones who make the breakthroughs in these feilds.. (l0l).. we don't want our gas to be worth nothing one day, so if we were in charge of developing renewable energy resources........ we would have something other than oil to rely on economically..

Good luck everyone!

Islamic Monetary System vs. Money as Debt

The current monetary system that involves interests and debts is crashing. Apparently, the money printed and circulated among countries is printed in certain amounts where interests are not taken into consideration, resulting in putting many in debts, as they have to take loans to compensate for that amount of money that does not exist. When comparing that system to the components of sustainability, reality itself has proved that system to be unsustainable. The economic recession has proved the current most-wide-spread monetary system to be unsatisfactory to the economic component of sustainability. This has resulted in violations in the other components, society and environment. Socially, many have lost their jobs due to the fact that their employers cannot hand them their salary. This has lowered down the standards and the quality of life in many households. As for the environment, the result might not have been obvious, but the amount of money spent for the sake of the environment (ex. researches, recycling plants...Etc) reduced because the priorities has changed. It is more important to use money to solve immediate problems such as healthcare problems, nutrition, and hydration rather than spending it on the environment.

My recommendation/alternative monetary system is the Islamic monetary system. First of all, it is flawless, for the one who has put that system is the greatest of the greatest, the perfect creator of all human beings, God (Allah). When comparing the system to the components of sustainability, we see how Islam is a miracle. With all the technologies and knowledge man has reached to today, yet Islam fits in this century. The Islamic monetary system is sustainable when comparing it to the components of sustainability. Economically, when there are no interests in money and loans, the money cycle is in equilibrium. If the money cycle is in equilibrium, then it is going to be in a balanced status making it sustainable. Socially, as a balanced monetary system, everyone will enjoy their financial rights and will be –if God permits- in less monetary and job-loss risks. Environmentally, in contrast to the current popular system, money will hopefully be available sufficiently so that immediate problems would not drain most of the money.

An indicator that the Islamic system is sustainable is that it is still used today. Saudi Arabia is the best example of a country that implements that system (although it could be implemented in a better way that is more devoted, reliable, and honest). The system has been going here for many years and is still seen as an ideal system for the future. Saudis were not much affected by the economic recession as other countries. No one I know has lost his/her job. Other countries such as France are considering adopting the Islamic monetary system. Muslims should be proud to believe in a religion that includes guidance on what is best and how to live a balanced life.

(lol, 3ajabny my global issues course assignment :P)

الأمر بالمعروف والتلميح بفعل المنكر

اسمها هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر، لكن، هل هذا كل ما يفعلونه؟ اكتشفت مؤخراً أن نواياهم النبيلة تختلف تماماً عما نجده في الواقع.. فأفعالهم ترسل رسائل لم تقصد (نتمنى أن تكون كذلك) .. دعوني آتيكم بالأمثلة

1- تغطية وجوه النساء في صور الإعلانات وترك شعرهن غير مغطى
الرسالة: يا بنات أهم شي في العالم تغطية الوجه.. حتى شعرك خلييييه مفتوح.. وجه المرأة عورة، مو عشان كذا الهيئة تمشي وتقول غطي وجهك؟؟

2- إرغام النساء بتغطية وجوههن وإحراجهن في العلن والمجمعات التجارية، والانتباه لأي عيب في محاولة البنت لستر نفسها
الرسالة: مكالمة النساء الأجانب عااادي.. وخصوصاً لو زوج البنت أو أخوها موجود لاااا تكلومونه للنصيحة، لازم تكلم البنت أحسن لك.. وغض البصر ماا فيه أي داعي.. (طبعاً المفرووض الهيئة تنشر الوعي بين الشباب انهم هم يغضون البصر، مو بس يركزون عالبنات) وأكييييد إنك تقول لبنت بصوت عالي ومحرج غطي "أي جزء من أجزاء الجسم" ماا بيخلي 99% من الشباب المحترمين يلتفتون لها

3- إغلاق غرف تغيير الملابس في المحلات التجارية للملابس
الرسالة: يا بنتي لييييش تغيرين في غرفة؟ محد بيشوف حلاتك إذا دخلتي هالغرفة.. الهيئة بنفسها تدعو لإغلاقها!! إذا غيرتي برا في المحل كللللل الشباب بيشوفونك من الزجاج حق المحل.. ليش تحرمينهم؟؟

4- حلق الشعر الطويل للشباب رغماً عنهم
الرسالة: الدين أببببد مو دين يسر.. وفيييييييه إكراه في الدين ونصصص بفضل الهيئة الله يخليهم، وإذا فيه شي مو عاجبك في شخص عادي حلالك تغيره وتسوي فيه اللي تبيه

طبعاً أنا متأكدة ان هذه الرسائل عكس ما تدعو إليه هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر، لكن من المفترض دراسة تطبيقهم قبل أن يباشروا بما يخططون له..

The Younger Me

"My mother used to keep lists of different things, one that led me to this discovery. There were lists of the things we wish to have or do, one for each of my brother and me. When I read mine, I realized that it’s not just a list of needs and desire; it meant more. Each item on my list has evolved into a quality in my personality. Flower, the first item, could be interpreted as my tenderness and softness with whoever surrounds me and the ones I love and care for. “Learning second grade’s subjects,” shows ambition, as I was a first grader by that time. Colored pens, a sharpener and an eraser, reveal my interest in art, which I have improved throughout my life. A mobile, (which I never got until an older age), demonstrates the desire to be connected to others. A piano, to me, was a chance to learn more, as I would have to learn to play, as well as a buoy to help me learn how to swim. Traveling to Dubai illustrates how I like to travel, yet I am economically considerate for choosing a nearby destination. Swings, a slide, and a seesaw display playfulness and an urge to have innocent fun. A backpack from “Toys R Us” that could transform into a chair proves how I prefer the compressed and practical. New shoes portray an interest in fashion, and now shoes are what most interest me when it comes to clothing. Renewing my room’s furniture expresses how I like change and modification every now and then. Lastly, a mid-sized Qura’an (our holy book) symbols religious belonging. It symbols my Islamic identity. It symbols my beliefs and values. These items partly define me, and tell me who I really was.

Today, every item means something to me. Each item tells me about myself, and how I haven’t changed, but only developed what I already had all along. Trying to understand myself has been very difficult when I feel that my life is complicated, and that I have plenty of things going on, but trying to compare myself to what I was helped, as it showed me that a sunflower only grows from a sunflower seed, and I have grown from my own seed. Just like growing up makes you bigger in size when you’re still the same person and look similar to what you were, my different qualities have also become bigger in size, although not always for the best, for no one is perfect. Everything around me shaped who I am at this moment, nevertheless, no matter how much they see me unlike who I was in the past, the fact that I originated from that little girl I was ten years ago cannot be denied." (Alhashem, 2009)

Made in Saudi

How do we define our economy? How are we building our economy? How did we become a rich country? Oil. A short and efficient word that answers all these questions..

We are a country that depends on imports, and never depends on itself. When we take a look at our wealth, it's because of something we didn't work for or produce. It's because of the resources we're lucky to have. Well, I'm not willing to take our black gold for granted.

As Ahmad Al-Shugairy said today (25th August, 2009), Japanese people are not smarter than Arabs. Arabs have the potential and the capability, but we're not using our minds. We can develop ourselves, and become more technologically advanced.

If we ask ourselves how the east and the west are very successful, it's because of how wise they were when it came to utilizing their minds. They've depended on the science and knowledge that the Muslims have discovered before to reach far beyond what we have reached. Now, it's our time to contribute to the world by depending on the knowledge others have reached to benefit all.

I promise myself to try my best. "Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)."
(إن الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بأنفسهم)
Hopefully you will too :)


“No thanks, I’m fine.” I rejected the delicious cookie that was offered to me. I tried to imagine how would it taste in my mouth, but my imagination wasn’t advanced enough to let me feel anything in my mouth. I sat in my place, smiling, and cursing my shyness inside my head. What kind of ten-year-old girl would reject a cookie? This is how I was in my childhood. Maybe I was smart, hard-working, someone with high grades, however, that was it. I had a lot of chances in my life, but I let my shyness ruin everything for me.

I’ve always dreamed myself going to a college I really want, instead of myself in a wedding dress like most my age, and I planned to change myself to whatever the college I want would want me to be: a well rounded student. It was not until I was 14 when I changed. I opened up. I started utilizing chances and working with passion. I would have taken that cookie. I was pretty satisfied with what I am becoming. As time passed by, I realized: why should I become what they want? Acceptance shouldn’t be a goal. Acceptance should be an indicator that this place (college, workplace ...etc) is right for you.

Opportunities started appearing in front of my. Paths to several goals and targets came before me. I tried to make use of everything, causing myself a great deal of stress. In the end, when I list everything I did, I feel that it was indeed worth it. I experienced many things in my life that made of me a writer, an artist, a debater, a public speaker, and a leader, and I had many chances to expose the talents I have as each. Although none of them seems scientific, I decided on becoming a chemical engineer. I find it not only interesting, but also something I might become advanced in the future.

“Yes, thanks you! Can I have another piece?” I said confidently. What else could a hungry seventeen year old say? Nothing stops me from doing what I want.

Inventing Time

I have neglected my blog for a while now. Honestly, I don't blame myself. Time seems to be more limited than ever.

- "I haven't seen you all day! Open the door!"
- "I would, if only I could invent more time for you"

And due to time constraints, I have written the shortest post on this blog.

Stressful Lives

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the most competitive of them all?" I asked. "Well you of course!" the mirror answered. "No need for complements, I meant schools!" I said. "And how do you ask that? Definitely, it's Dhahran Ahliyya Schools!"

My cousin has been accepted to enter my school, Dhahran Ahliyya School (DAS). Dear cousin, we do not mean to scare you. We mean to congratulate you for accepting such challenge. "Mirror mirror on the wall, would she survive it? Or would she fall?" I asked. "Mayada, Mayada, Mayada, I do not have all the answers. I cannot understand human's infinite capabilities. You are a creature that surprises me. It is up to time and outcome to answer your question."

"Mirror mirror on the wall, I stopped repeatedly going to the mall! And I barely even play my favorite sport, basketball. Do you think she would have time? Or would having fun be a crime?" I asked. "Spending time on fun isn't time wasted, it is a prize you win that should be tasted," the mirror replied. "Mirror mirror on the wall, would she need my assistance?" I asked. "She will pay you back with resistance. Your help won't be for her sake, just let her figure out how to swim, and alone she'd cross the lake!"

"Mirror.." "Oh get done with it already! My shift is over!" the mirror interrupted.

To All My Dear Friends..

Dedicated to All of my dear friends. The sequence is meaningless by the way.

You are the most beautiful song in my heart, with the prettiest tune, and the most peaceful beats. You sing me a nice day, and you make me a smiling May :) One day, technology will (or at least I hope) enable me to download you on my i-pod!! :D

Samar Q
You are an inspiration to me, with a mind; an amazing creation. Hope you always be there to see, and a relationship that lasts forever, with you and me. You're "awesome".. You're the bomb..! literally :P Shocking, worth attention, but a BIT destructive :P

This year, I have discovered my soul mate. We are similar, and very alike, and though I think we're the same, I find it most interesting to be with you. I find myself inside you..

The innocence of innocence. A soft refreshing breeze that has a magical power to make everyone smile. Spreading her goodness everywhere, she decided to fly away. Wished that breeze lasted forever with its sweet scent!

My smiling laughing tree hugger, (def. "Mayada": leaning dancing tree branches). Your excitement touches me, and passion about the most noble causes. My tear would fall for you, but it would only try to express how proud I am of you.

Reem A
A deer, in her energy, and liveliness. A dear, in my heart and soul. A girl with much positive energy spreading around her, making whoever is near her grin. She plants roses and flowers everywhere, just to distribute cheerfulness and joy.

An artist who draws stunning charming wonderful images on paper, and draws even more beautiful images in reality by her presence. Her gifts to the world are what she can do by the gifts she has. She shares her talents, which makes her even more talented.

A shooting star you don't want to fade away as you're not done making your long list of wishes. But, for my lack of luck, unfortunately, wishing for you not to fade from my sight isn't a granted wish. So I can just wish that good-bye would be lighter on me.

Although she's a person who might always say: "this thing can wait," creativity and intelligence never wait or even hesitate before they appear in her writings, or even out of her mouth. Just give her the deadline, and she will be done by then.

Her morals and respect beautifies her. Dignity is the most precious thing to acquire, and she has realized this fact really well, and she shows it in her actions.

Who knows that beyond that angelic seemingly-innocent smile found a devilish smirk. Guess that runs in the family, eh cousin? But in the end, life is good as long as no one is hurt, which she always makes sure of. ;)

Sara A
An excited soul that sets no boundaries and flies beyond limits. Nothing is impossible, and if curiosity really killed the cat, Sara wouldn't be the live smiley light soul that appears in school everyday.

Lujain T
The girl with the style, the girl with the attitude, the girl with the talents, the girl with the smile, Tahlawy, you have failed to fail in order to stay for one more year. Still, I will remain happy after you're gone, only because I am sure that more are going to have the honor of knowing you.

(Giggles), "What's funny?" Doesn't really matter. A laugh is a cure of problems, shouldn't she be problem-free? She has beauty, yet her laugh completes her gorgeousness. She has intelligence, yet her giggles add flavor to her personality.

A leader, a member of a team, or an individual, she fits in all roles and parts. Someone with so many interests, and surprisingly, she excels in most of them. She proves to me and many that she is capable and a problem-solver.

Dana D
She could be described briefly in three words: pure, pure and pure. She masters and is really the best when it comes to three things: friendship, bringing happiness, and laughter. Three words, Dana: we-love-you.

Fun? Yes. Cheerful? Certainly. Loud? Hell ya. Dull? Not exactly. Boring? Not ever. Hmm, but this is not what you're all about. Behind that cheerfully-colored door that only shows you from the outside, having such an open personality let us enter that door to discover your softness, sensitivity, and kindness.

"Haha" and "Hehe" are common words in here language. Too common to the extent that you may think she speaks the language of Laughter or Chuckles. Keep giggling, as long as it doesn't affect your art and creativity.

The best neighbor to ever have, she keeps the music down, and her dog doesn't ruin my lawn, she's just the perfect person you want to live next to all year. A friend from childhood, a survivor in DAS, she knows well how to keep others entertained and comfortable.

Lujain M
She does have a quiet personality, but I don't. Nothing could stop me from expressing how she is in my eyes and heart. She may be quiet, but what she "does" shouts kindness and niceness with a deafening sound.

Noor G
Light it simply the right word for you. You are the light, in your brightness and cheerfulness. You are light-hearted. You are light, by being gentle. You are light, as you keep glowing everyday we see you and lighting everything around you.

Alya N
A beautiful pearl that was washed up in the shore, picked up and held all the way to our lives. Opening up your shell to others makes them happy, by discovering how beautiful your inside was, and how amazing your personality is.

You are a star in your own play. You are the center of your life. You are under the spotlights. You walk the walk, and you talk the talk. Your play is original and real, and you starring in it makes us more than happy to be part of it :).

Great minds think alike, and I'm starting to think that weird minds think alike too. Drinking red bull for energy, and shouting COW! for fun, giving you pretty pens :), and being forced to tell you good bye, we have so many memories together that still echo in my heart.

Why we're proud of you is not just because you excelled in riding a saddle of a horse, but because you have taken a huge step that proves that Saudi women are capable and skilled. You inspire much of us, and I really wish you were still here for us to motivate.

Sara Falih
Being a star isn't special now, there are millions of stars we know and love and there are even more shining brightly in the sky, but you are different, you are not one of those million, you are one OF a million. I know how you want to see yourself famous one day, but if you have to change anything about yourself to go through that path then becoming famous will degrade you.

Reema D
Remember how when you were young and you keep making faces, then they tell you "stop doing that or your face will be stuck like that" ? Well, I think that your weird face when you were young was a smile, because now you're stuck with a really big smile, whether you were upset or not. This smile changes your surrounding to be filled with positive energy. Thank you?

They say that the best friendship lasts forever. They never say that the best friendship has to have a long history, or any at all. Maybe now I don't know you well, but I still hope that we'd have a history in the future. Friends' lists have no limits and even if they did your name can help but be in it, or at least my list.

Maryam N
You are the probably the most girl making everyone a favor. In such school full of stresses, downs, and conflicts, you have this powerful ability to make us smile. You have kept many girls since we were kids ALIVE. I have been always wondering about how our stresses didn't kill us yet, but I discovered that you have part of the answer.

Al Maha
Although I haven't had the honor to live a life with a closer relationship with her, I know she's the sweetness of sugar, as pure and as white. Perhaps we have days to come and to spend more wisely. A special girl doesn't have to be close to whoever surrounds her for everyone to know that she is.

Al Hanouf
Humor, humor, and more humor; this is what is found her. This is what you experience when you spend five minutes with her. Her creativity in making us all laugh makes her dear and fun to be with. Her humor is young and cheerful, but not as cheerful as her.

Reem El A7mad
She's heartless and she's selfish. She left the school, but made us experience most of our school life with her presence, then she leaves to let us forget and miss what it used to taste like when she used to be in school. However, I will no longer be a victim to anyone's crime, I can still imagine her with me in the place we used to see each other. Maybe it would seem like obsession, but to me, it's the only solution.

Reem 7
A very, very talented girl. She knows how to move, and she got what should be moved ;) I never saw anyone who can dance as skillfully as her. Maybe this is only a hobby to her, or something she likes to do, but she doesn't realize maybe that what she does sure changes our moods and makes us excited. She stands out in group shows, and even when everybody is doing the same thing she still looks and is special.

I still remember how I wished to be her friend when we were young. She used to sit at a table during recess and tells stories about her full-of-action life. She used to speak of adventures and what sounded to me like a movie. She's an interesting person and you can never get bored of what she says!

A dear friend who will never be forgotten. As my name means that, well, I'm pratically a tree, she once made me bloom and blossom. The leaves, fruits and flowers I have shined and brightened whenever I was with her company. As long as she's present, this tree will -inshallah- never lose its blossoms.

Wow. Just wow. She has everything, yet modest and down to earth. I've never seen someone so smart, creative, social, and who has her own brand-name at the same time! Balance is today's problem I must struggle with daily trying to achieve. She will always be a model role to look up to when it comes to diversity in one's personality, and balance in life.

Summer A
Speechless I become when I speak of her. A true leader. A true responsible girl. One of the most trustworthy, or maybe, in our school, the only one ;) lol. You could always depend on her, with no negative "side effects" at all. She's a cure when someone most needs help to end the disease of chaos and disorder. When we're careless, she's careful. When we're lacking energy, she's full of it. God save her -"Allah ye7fa6'ha"- lol.

Nada M
They say that good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. Actually, with you, it's a totally different case. You are easy to find, easy to approach, easy to deal with, easy to have fun with, yet still hard to leave, and VERY impossible to forget. Yet I do support what "they say", we always have to trust "them". Guess then you're more than a good friend. A lot more.

Lujain A H
A girl with an amazing voice and an even more amazing personality. They say singers aren't always funny, but she sure proved them wrong..! Missing her, lovin her, damjn it's been a long time!! :P Each year, a lot of special individuals leave, as she did, and today many leave for college. We're next. But Lujain is one of the ones who never really left school. Her spirit is still in it..

Zainab H
My laughing mate, my "7eshishing and ta7sheeshing" mate. No one can seperate us apart. Time hasn't, and that proves the strong bond we have. She graduated, but now we're closer than ever. True that I wish she was still with me, but what can I do other that just... gettin over it!! ;) You made my boring life an exciting one to live, and a life I would never wanna miss.

A teddy bear with a soft surface and a cute face, you can't resist a hug by her. She is unique in her excitement, and her positivity. They say smiling a lot could hurt, and I bet her face hurts real bad because she never stops smiling, or at least I hope so. HAHAHA :D
Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind. Guess then I'm a horrible sister! Not that I intended to leave her, but this is how life goes. We graduate. We leave the younger sobbing, as we sob more than they ever will. You are one of the reasons I hate to be a senior. Thanks!!!!

And of course, the best of the best, relatives/friends
Nada M
Noor M
Farah M
Nada M
Noor M

(to be continued.. i'll add more :P)
and if you didn't see ur name like u expected.. HAWSHOONY.. cz i really want everyone to know how much she means to me


-"Hello :)"
- "asl?" (age, sex, location)
- "16, m, US.. u?"
- "17, f, Saudi.. Nice to meet you :)"
- ".. ****, terrorist!! Don't you have a tower to bomb?"
- "Hmm, I am busy speaking to a stereotype"
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Occurred a lot. Not by Americans only, surprisingly, even an Egyptian did the same. And even more shocking, Americans are probably the LEAST racist against non-Americans (which shows how more mature they are, and how their country is multicultural). As for whoever's in the far-east, they hesitate before stating where they are from, why? Because of the fear of stereotypical harsh words, or of seeing: "Your conversational partner has disconnected" at the end of the screen.

Dear RE, (Racist-Egyptian)..
I am not pointing out the nationality to make a new stereotype, but to show how even Arabs are being racist against other Arabs, and because till now, this is the only way I can refer to you.
and Dear RPCP (Racist People Calling for Peace);

1- I am not a terrorist:
I am a Muslim, and Islam calls for peace and treating others fairly. Just because Osama Bin Laden is Saudi and Muslim it doesn't mean that he is a good representative of Islam. Funny, in religion, we take that in a Muslim country, we should not only leave non-Muslims celebrate their religious events and worship God in their own way, but we are also not allowed to bring down churches, temples, and other holly sites, AND (something I'm really mad that they teach it this late, at the age of 17), we have to do our obligations to them as anyone else: visit their sick, or contribute to charity for them.

2- I am happy. Women are not in a cell.
I live an easy life, really. I can go out. I travel a lot, 3 times with my school and friends. I don't cover my face. I can't drive, but I have a driver. I receive an advanced level of education. I have ambitions. I have a personality. I have feelings. There are negative points, a lot of them, (HELL YA,, a great DEAL of them). In the end, I smile, I laugh. I am happy.

3- I wear a veil. I feel safe with it.
Girls in Saudi Arabia aren't more than any none Muslim girl anywhere else, we're not more beautiful or anything, but the beauty we have doesn't have to be shown (Umm, I don't ever want to be a star of a story as a victim of rape). Boys, and men, shouldn't gaze at me as if I was a product they're checking out. We are pearls. We keep our beauty inside our shells for our husbands and relatives to see. This way there will be also less cheating in marriages, and several other benefits.

4- I feel hurt by what is said. Still, not offended by questions.
I am hurt when someone call me a terrorist, not because I take it personally. It is because it is sad how foreigners' perspectives are becoming about Saudi. However, when someone asks about my religion or nationality, and no one has to say "no offense" before and after each question,

Racism, stereotypes, not only against me, it's against the world. Why keep it there? One day, it may be the wall trapping peace out of countries. If only Martin Luther King Jr. is here again to restate his longlasting words: "I have a dream."

Girls of Riyadh

If you're Saudi, you most probably heard of the novel "Banat Al Riyadh", or "Girls of Riyadh". I read it. Quite interesting. However, does it really speaks about Riyadh's reality? Who cares?!

It really doesn't matter when Arabs read this novel, about four Saudi girls who live in Riyadh and each has her own adventures with boys and whatever. Sounds exciting, is it 100% true? Could it be?.. Yes. It could be, but transparent isn't like true. This novel might be true but not transparent, as it speaks about a certain type of girls in Riyadh, very specific.

What made me write this post is that I had an idea about a novel. I had this idea when I saw an English version of the recent best-seller "Girls of Riyadh". When it was just Arabic, I didn't care much, but now, English?

I know that she, Rajaa Alsane'a, the writer, might not realize that translating that book might give foreigners a wrong idea about Saudi Arabia. They might think that these girls represent Riyadh, and that Riyadh, being the capital of Saudi Arabia, represents Saudi, which is not true.

What I want to write about is the real truth. I want to put the right facts into a story; a novel. I want to make this novel as a response to Rajaa, and her translated novel. She should have thought twice before publishing that novel in other languages; being famous, writing a juicy story, and money shouldn't be the main goal of writing a novel. Writing a novel should be an expression of truth, or ideas. It should be the utilization of the talent in writing (which she might not be entitled to, considering that the Arabic version was written in slang).

If you're going to influence a large group of people by doing a certain act, you should look at the big picture. You should consider your values as well as the country's. You should think about basic concepts and values that you should not cross. You should simply be smart, not selfish.

One of a Kind

In an apple store, where all the laptops are either black or white, what would they call a pink or red laptop? Special..? Different? Unique? Exceptional? Actually, they'd call it weird, and I call it beautiful, in its individuality.
When you're different, you're considered weird, ain't that true? And the funny part is that they dare to say that differences is what makes our world interesting. "Weirdos" make the world interesting? Then I'd love to be part of the honor! And I hate being just like anyone else. In every school, and a lot of workplaces, the popular group thinks that they are special, and many of their surroundings think they are too, and sometimes try to be like them. When we think of it, most of the members of the group are the same, or at least similar, and whoever imitates them could be special is losing what she is singular at just to be accepted as someone who's not weird.
Special means different, and usnusual, and that's why I can't define popular groups as special groups. In the "weirdos" group, every member is different, every member is special, every member is distinctive; every member is another person who's not like his/her peers. A lot of special girls would be proud to hear others call them weird, because they know the secret meaning beyond the definition of the word "weird" (strange, odd, bizarre). They know that whoever calls them that is a normal common person, not unique in any way. Now several of my friends would agree (don't you, Sulaf? My weird fellow? My exceptional buddy?). Hmm, when I think about it, I think that special people are special people, and the rest are weird; strange how they aim to be similar, and then oddly bizarrely consider themselves unique.
Funny really, but the truth is that, that super multitasking karate smart pianist, that hilarious "awesome" girl addicted-to-cold-play-and-politics who says: "I love physics" proudly as she's good enough to master the subject, that procrastinating procrastinator who still finds time to write amazing pieces and to do much more, that hard working astonishing ambitious computer-thingies-understander (and a drama queen), that sleepy sleeping beauty who coul retrieve anything said or done in the area she existed in even if she was under a snooze-spell, that overly excited chick who can speak faster than I can think yet speaks like hell in Arabic who finds killing babies a fascinating subject, and me, an add to the "weirdos" list, are the ones who make our world special, and interesting. We are the rainbow colored laptops in the nearest apple store. I'm no racist against black and white laptops, but doesn't it feel great to be different??


When I entered school was like being “egged”, and in my egg inside that shell, I am getting ready for the outside. I have everything I need inside my shell, and I am developing myself with skin and feathers to become ready to go outside and burst out of my egg to face what they call: the world. I have everything I need provided in my egg; knowledge, food, and shelter.

I am excited to meet the outer world where I can expand my understanding of this complex dimension and fill my life with experiences that would make me the best chick ever. I want to grow and be as useful as possible around the barn. I’m going to do the impossible to be special. I’m going to be the flying chicken!!

I am going to do what others haven’t dared to do: the impossible, the unthinkable; the different. I flip my short wings to lift my heavy body until I feel wind tickling the ends of my feet.

Hidden Meanings Within

The journey of life, the path to the future, the struggle between uncertainty, risk, and security, the blizzard of confusion, the consequence of decision, all were storming in my mind, my most trustworthy organ, my brain. With all the stress, all the possibilities, and all the options, one could not help but become lost and seek for the safest path. However, as I was inspired by Robert Frost, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and this made all the difference”, I choose to take the road less traveled by. My words, as well as my thoughts, seen by some as most complex, while to others are seen as I expressed. I choose to write what could be considered most unique, or its uniqueness could be a destructive element, but as I said, I choose to take the road less traveled by. The beauty of words cannot be seen, unless meanings are beyond lines and sentences. This is the path I choose to go by.

(A drawing symbolizing how I step through the raod less traveled by, the changes in the colors of my footsteps shows how I am flexible to change my methods in order to face the difficulties I face. The other road, more clear and shiney, is lightened, which most have traveled by it)

I was born into the world blind. I cannot see. What I see is a glimpse of light that I was not capable of enjoying until recently. I owe it all to my school. The school I went to gave me the hint of light that I can see, for they were the manual book to obtain knowledge. I got into it, and then discovered that the random shapes and symbols actually mean something. They could be actually used to get thoughts and ideas onto papers. This is just one step, it seems simple, but to learn to read and write is life changing. Nowadays, most are literate, and here I am writing on a paper that is supposed to show my individuality, while I am speaking of common.
I am the glass window of an old cottage, or a massive palace, as long as I am transparent, and fragile. I cannot hide what I am or what I think of, and I cannot prevent myself from saying too much. This could be good, if never exploited, and used against me. I am sensitive, and I cannot hide the feelings inside. I have the belief that I am capable of doing everything, even when I am lacking time and energy. This means that I over-trust myself, too much, perhaps? As I trust myself, I trust my transparency, and trust my beliefs, I choose to take the road less traveled by.
What empower my personality are my ambitions, though several had said that I can’t, but I believe I do, as I like to hope for the best-case-scenario; the positive probability. I tamed my blinded eyes to see the positive meanings in depressing, negative words, the beauty of flames in fires, the rainbow at the end of a rainy day, and the positive ions among chlorides and oxides. I have always preferred multiplication and addition on subtraction and division. This way I could ensure myself that I could have a blissful life enjoying the simple things. This is how I take risks. This is how I choose the hard way. This is how I go through the road less taken.
I am the rabbit in The Rabbit & the Turtle story, in its competitiveness, ego and confidence. This also could be a knife with two ends, with or against me. Nevertheless, to be interested in competing in scientific and educational matters is most likely going to support me throughout my future life, as it did throughout my school life. Now, it supports me and pushes me toward the cold, dark road.
I am the exploiter. Utilizing chances our school provides is the best policy; because as a Saudi Muslim girl, I cannot deny that we girls do not have that many opportunities. Our school was different, it compensated for the opportunities our unreasonable society did not provide, or has not provided enough. Therefore, I could say that I have done much, and I know I would not have done all my achievements without the help of God, my supportive parents, and the chances the school offered. I believe that I had done plenty of impressive doings, and had come across constructive experiences that actually created skills in me that I can benefit from throughout my life. I will not elaborate. What I had done is past and what is still going to be with me when I go to college is myself; my personality; my characteristics. These are what I could carry with me, as I continue my steps through the road that seems endless; the road less taken.
Among people, in the middle of society, I am not the popular one who sits and waits for less than five minutes for the crowd to gather around me. In school, I am seen by my friends like I really am, but others, the base their assumption of who I am on what I do. High school years are pretty similar in most countries, and here I am speaking about the same stereotypes that we can find in UK, China, Somalia, or Costa Rica; wherever. I am accepted as they, my classmates, know me, and my friends accept me because they know me. As long as I am accepted, I cannot complain, but I prefer not to base assumptions on what a person has achieved to create a picture of his/her personality and characteristics; I consider it stereotypical. I do not want anyone to assume that I am the bravest, and the most adventurous, because I chose the road less taken.
I am the villager who visited New York for the first time, only buildings are knowledge. I am not like the villager in his simple life but I am the villager in his fascination. I believe that one could always dive deeper, for the sea of knowledge is bottomless. I am the villager; the traveler who chooses the road less traveled by.
With the theme of the last minutes of the inspiring influential scene of the sunset, the last ray of light is fading, as I come to a conclusion. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both.” The road less traveled by, less attractive, less tempting, less appealing, challenging, risky, mysterious, dangerous, and is a road to the unknown, but at the end it is the road I choose, and it makes my final destination worth all the time and effort. The sun had hid along with the meanings I wish to deliver but cannot express. I am walking alone through the road less traveled by, foggy, and dark.

My World Seen by my Binoculars

My world is built by building blocks, hard red bricks organized one on top of the other, to cooperate and build the place where I wake up. One brick is my mom, the other is my dad. These two bricks are in the base, as my whole life is based on them, as well as several other bricks holding their bright red color and their solid qualities. Bricks such as my school, my community, my surroundings; and my friends make up my world; therefore creating my identity and building up my personality as well.
Before walking, and before speaking, I was an innocent infant, both my parents beside me. My mother holding me tight, kissing my forehead, and keeping me close; she saw me as a blessing from God. As I grew older, my mom still close, I learned to walk, I learned to speak, and I learned to make mistakes. My father was not as intimate as my mother but was as caring and proud. They were proud when I learned to walk, ignoring all the kids running more balanced than my slow steps. They were proud when I learned to speak, ignoring all the children speaking faster, clearer than me, and without hesitations. One could not help but love them, and become proud that she was lucky to have them as parents.
I was born into the world blind. I cannot see. What I see is a glimpse of light that I was not capable of enjoying until recently. I owe it all to my school. The school I went to gave me the hint of light that I can see, for they were the manual book to obtain knowledge. In it, I discovered that the random shapes and symbols actually mean something. They could be actually used to get thoughts and ideas onto papers. This is just one step, it seems simple, but to learn to read and write is life changing. Nowadays, most are literate, and here I am writing on a paper that should better show my individuality, while I am speaking of a common feature. Utilizing chances our school provides is the best policy; because as a Saudi girl, I cannot deny that we girls do not have that many opportunities (Many agree on this fact, including Peyman Pejman, who wrote an article about how traditions block Saudi women’s rights and many more). Our school was different, it compensated for the opportunities our society has not provided enough. One of the best opportunities I had exploited is participating in Model United Nations (MUN). Many see it as a chance to escape the bars of cells (also known as classrooms), and a chance to travel with friends during school days. To me, escaping school was my least interest, or should I say that it was what I most regret. What made it worth every possible “opportunity cost” (an economic term for the best alternative), is the skills that I cannot avoid developing: research skills, during preparation before the conference; formal writing skills, while writing draft resolutions for issues to be debated; social skills and team work, by cooperating with other participants during the conference; and debating skills, which was enhanced and improved progressively with each conference I attend. I could say more about clubs and activities I participated in, and I believe that I had come across many constructive experiences that improved my skills, but I will not elaborate; what I had done is past and what is still going to be with me when I go to college, or when I face life, is myself; my personality; my characteristics.
The deprivation I faced in my community pushed me to tame my blinded eyes to see the positive meanings in depressing, words, the beauty of flames in fires, the rainbow at the end of a rainy day, and the positive ions among chlorides and oxides. This way I could have a blissful life enjoying what I have, and make use of the chances I find, by being positive. When I auditioned to participate in the speech contest, I was very anxious after I did my impromptu speech, as if I had no chance. Later that day, they did not announce my name as one of the winners, maybe because I was negative and because what I expected it to turn out that way. I started believing in the law of attraction, and I listened to The Secret. Another chance came before my eyes; to participate in MUN. This time I had another attitude. I was confident before, during, and after I presented my speech in the auditions. I remember the night ahead of the day they announce the accepted students’ names. I wasn’t thinking whether I will be accepted or not, instead, I was wondering how I will tell my brother who studies in the U.S. about getting accepted in the most creative way. While they were announcing the names, I wasn’t eager to hear my name; I was waiting for it, not hoping for it. They may call what I did over-confidence, but as long as it works; I do not have to change my overly-positive attitude.
My friends, or should I call them family, for their support and constant help as if I was their long lost sister makes me feel that we have the same last names; they have been sisters to me, whom I never had. We are different, that is true. Thus, our differences made us complementary, each one of the group completes the other. We are pieces of a puzzle; we are most attractive and beautiful when we are together. In the end, we are one.
My home, school, and city are physically the world I live in. However, my home is just a huge vacuumed cement structure holding materialistic items: furniture and ornaments; my school is another building that has wooden desks and chairs, and several empty lifeless offices; and my city is an area where we find shops and buildings that made Dhahran be considered Singapore’s or New York’s nursery. What made my world meaningful to me are the beating hearts in it. My home is nothing without my family; neither are my school without teachers and friends, and my city without my community. They made my world the place where my personality is updated, as I face more and more events and experiences every day. It is one place that provides me with increasing challenges to deal with and learn from

كتاب الأحياء (نظام المقررات السعودي الجديد)

مؤلفي كتاب الأحياء معدومي الضمير! حيث أن المراجع العربية وحدها تبلغ 47 مصدر لتأليف كتاب واحد يدرس من قبل طالب/طالبة واحدة خلال فصل واحد، فيه 12 فصل. أهو إنساني؟ أهو أخلاقي؟ أسئلة استفسرت عنه من قبل سائلة عن مدى إنسانية الاستنساخ، والآن أسألها مستفسرة عن مدى إنسانية كاتب الكتاب.
الجريمة التي ارتكبها كاتبي الكتاب هي جعل مادة ممتعة شيقة وقابلة للنقاش والربط والتفصيل مادة مرهقة ومفرزة للأدرينالين. جعلها كابوس ناقلاً السيالات العصبية حاملة الأفكار المعقدة والثقيلة والكثيرة. فالكتاب هذا مثل السكلرنشيم، بصعب الوصول إلى محوره والهدف الداخلي منه، واللجنين المتغلظ المترسب حوله صعب المهمة.
والمشكلة أن هذا الكتاب سيظل الDNA للمراحل الآتية، فستمر الطالبات بهذه المرحلة وسيظل الكتاب يورث بكروموسوماته وتفاصيله. هذا الكتاب كان كالأنتيجين في جسمي لسبب ما، واكتشفت ذلك لأنني وجدت مناعة ضد تقبل وحفظ الكثير من النقاط اامهمة، ربما لأن غدتي التيموسية ظلت إلى مرحلة مراهقتي حتى تنتج أجسام مضادة تحارب هذا الأنتيجين.
يا ليت شجيرات خلاياي العصبية كثرت وتشابكت حتى أستقبل وأتقبل أكثر من هذه المعلومات. أو يا ليتني أنبت أنسجة جذرية في عقلي، لأمتص المعلومات، لرقة جدر الأنسجة وكثرة عدد الاستطالات الجذرية، وتطبيق لخاصية الانتشار (بدلاً من الخاصية الاسموزية، حيث بالانتشار تنتقل المعلومات من منطقة التركيز المرتفع <الكتاب> إلى منطقة التركيز المنخفض <عقلي>). يا ليت الكالسيتونين يعمل على منع فقد المعلومات من المخ بدلاً من منع فقد الكالسيوم من العظام. يا ليت حقني لنفسي بالمضادات الحيوية تمنع نمو الملل والإرهاق أثناء الدراسة وتكسبني مناعة ولو مؤقتة ضد بكتيريا الضغط والعمل والكسل.
ربما كان الكتاب صفة متنحية حسنة مرغوبة، وأنا لم أكن كذلك، ربما كنت أمثل الصفة السلبية السائدة، فعند التقائنا لم تظهر إلا صفتي.
نعم، فصيلة دمي O، أعطي الجميع ولا آخذ إلا ممن هم O مثلي، ربما هذا ما جعلني أرفض فصول هذا الكتاب، لمجرد أن فصيلة دمه ليست بـO، بل B (Boring).
سامحوني لموقفي العدواني ضد هذا الكتاب، ولكنني عانيت منه الكثير، فهو بالنسبة لعقلي بكتيريا ضخمة، أو خلايا سرطانية منتشرة بشكل غير طبيعي، و جهاز المناعة يقف أمامها بلا حول ولا قوة.
ولكن الحق يقال، لم تكن سنة أهدرت بلا فائدة، ولم تستهلك ATP دون مقابل. قد كانت هذه السنتين (اللتان لم تنتهيان بعد) مليئة بالكثير الكثير. لم تكن المادة حفظية 100%، فالحمدلله، رزقني الله تعالى بمعلمة تكره الحفظ.
قمنا بالعمل على مشروع، فكنا كالبرانشيم نصنع البحث والعرض لتنقل أفكارنا إلى زميلاتنا ومعلماتنا ومشرفاتنا من خلال العمل على فكرة الاستنساخ. صحيح أنه كان عملاً شاقاً حيث تمنينا استنساخ أنفسنا لتوفير المزيد من الأيدي والعقول العاملة على هذه المهمة، لكن في النهاية، بعد عمل مثمر ناجح، نمت بذور المهمة لنراها في نهاية السنة نبتة بزهرة حمراء جذابة وجميلة. نمو هذه البذرة لم يكن سهلاً، ولكن بتساعد الخلايا والأنسجة الإنشائية الابتدائية (الزميلات وأعضاء المجموعات) استطعنا تنفيذ المهمة، لقدرتها على الانقسام (تكوين أفكار وتطوير معلومات جديدة)، وساعد على هذا الانقسام أن الخلايا ذات نواة كبيرة مركزية (هدف عميق وموحد)، وغشاؤها رقيق (نفاذية الأفكار وتقبل الآراء)، وفجواتها العصارية متعددة لكن صغيرة (العقبات والاختلافات تعددت لكنها كانت صغيرة، فاجتزناها)، ومادتها الحية –السيتوبلازم- وفيرة (الحيوية والنشاط والحماس والقدرات الابداعية والابتكار). ونحن نقف الآن نفخر بما قد قدمناه بمساعدة واضحة من الخلايا المرافقة (أبلة جنان) التي كانت بجانبنا دوماً في جميع الخطوات وساعدتنا على نقل المعلومة للجمهور والظهور بشكل مناسب لتقديم عرض الاستنساخ.
كانت مادة الأحياء مادة صعبة، مع أنها مهمة، وفي معظم المواضع شيقة أيضاً، لكن كل ذلك انتهى. لا أحياء بعد اليوم، (وتفزر الغدد الدمعية ما لديها بعد إفراز الأدرينالين لينشط الغدد الدمعية بسبب الموقف المؤثر). نعم، قد عذبتني يا كتاب الأحياء ولكنني سأشتاق إلى هذا العذاب، وكيف لا وقد أبقيتني بالأمس ليلاً بأحاديثك ومضمونك سهرانة، حين لم يبق أي شيء يصاحبني إلا أنت.
لن أجعل هذه اللحظة نهاية ووداع، لأنك قمت بتهيئتي لموجهة الحياة بوعي أكبر، وفهم أعمق. المفهوم الخاطئ الذي ظل معي طويلاً هو أن الدراسة للمادة ما هي إلا استعداد للاختبار، حين أنها استعداد للتطبيقات العملية والحياتية. مفاهيمك جعلت قلبي عضلة لا تتعب، وجعلت نزيف جروحي تتعالج وتوقف نفسها بلا تدخل شيء إلا مبادئك. أرى نبتة خارج نافذتي تنمو بأفكارك وتزهر حتى تريني أن كل ما قلته لي حقيقي وملموس.
كم مرة قد يحتاجون دمي للتبرع؟ ألم أكتشف هذه القدرة على إعطاء الجميع حين علمتني ذلك؟ ألن أحرص على زوجٍ جذاب جميل وبلا أمراض أو اختلالات وراثية حتى لا يصابون أبنائي بالمرض، ويرثون جماله؟ ألن أرفض عرض زواج ولد خالٍ أو عم خوفاً من الأمراض الوراثية؟ ألن أفكر خمسين مرة قبل أن أتعاطى عقاقيراً وأدوية فترة حملي؟ ألن أرفض بعض أفكار الاستنساخ لأنني ببساطة عرفت معانيها وجرائمها؟ ألن أحرص على الغذاء الصحي لما قد يحصل نتيجة لسوء التغذية؟ ألن أتقبل فكرة أنني لا يمكنني أن أتبرع بكليتي لشخص يموت أمامي بسبب الفشل الكلوي، مع أن كلانا له نفس نوع الدم؟
اعتبرتك عقبة وهم لفترة طويلة، وهذا ظلم، لأنك أجبت عن أسئلة كثيرة في بالي تخص أشياء كثيرة، سواء كانت عن جسمي أو هرموناتي أو حتى تلك التي تخص أشجار حديقتي. أعطيتني الكثير، وغذيت دماغي، وحان الأجل حتى أري نفسي أين أجدك في حياتي، في جسمي، في دمي، في خلاياي، وخلايا تلك النبتة خارج النافذة.
في النهاية، أشكر معلمتي لمحاولاتها التي أرهقتها طوال السنة، لمحاولة بناء جهاز مناعي متكامل لتجهيزنا لمواجهة المرض، البكتيريا، ألا وهو الاختبار. أتمنى أننا لم نكن بالنسبة إليها كأنسجة السكلرنشيم أو الكولانشيم التي لا حياة فيها، وأتمنى لها حياة سعيدة، والتوفيق في حقن اللقاحات للأجيال القادمة، لتبنى مناعتهم ضد الصعوبات.

Goals of Mirage

We keep running behind our hopes and dreams. We keep aiming at goals and targets. We spend our lives running behind those goals, but are they goals really? Or can we really arrive in our aimed destinations?
To keep motivated, we tell ourselves that we’re almost there; but are we? When we arrive we might feel that it was nothing but a mirage; an illusion we kept galloping after. In a desert, hot and dry, we can see waters from a distance, looks like a blue mirror lying above the sands. We cannot run, we cannot walk. We can barely move as we have almost no energy left in our bodies. We crawl to reach the waters and save ourselves, but find out that the water was a devious mirage.
It has been said that most of the failures have been accomplished not only by not achieving high aims, but mostly by aiming low. Either way, one aimed too high, too idealistic, or one aimed too low. Is life really about setting goals? Or is it about knowing how to set them?

الخوف من الغد

تسللت أشعة الشمس من خلال نافذتها لتوقظها من نومها، وتبشرها بيوم جديد، يوماً آخر تستيقظ فيه بعيون دامعة، وتكمل بكاؤها وسيلان دموعها بلا توقف أثناء سجودها في صلاة الفجر. تمشي بخطوات مترددة متجهة إلى غرفتي، وتطرق الباب، ثم أفتح الباب، لتجد ابنتي الوحيدة تبكي مثل كل صباح مدرسي. "ماما! لا أريد الذهاب للمدرسة. لا أريد أن أذهب إلى غابة مليئة بوحوشها المنعدمة الضمائر، من أسود ونمور وضباع. لا أريد أن أفترس حية، فلا تجدي غير عظامي لتدفنيها!"
نزلت دموعي حزناً على حالة ابنتي، فهي طفلة بريئة، وقد عانت الكثير، وقد فعلت المستحيل حتى أوقف عذابها المستمر، والمدرسة بمن فيها لا حول لها ولا قوة. تحدثت إلى أمهاتهن، وتحدثت إليهن، لكن كما قالت طفلتي، حبيبتي، قد يكن بلا ضمير.
إنها بنت ذكية، ومبدعة، ولم أجد أكثر منها ذكاءً وتفوقاً في عمرها، ولكن الكدمات والجروح اليومية التي تعود بها إلى المنزل تعيق ذلك كله، ومعظمها جروح وطعنات في مشاعرها وحالتها النفسية. تأتي منكسرة القلب، فأشعر بالذنب، وكيف لا؟ وأنا أرسلها إلى ما قد يهدم شخصيتها بدلاً من أن يبني مستقبلها.
تذكرت طفولتي، وكيف أن هذه الطفلة المسكينة أعادت إحياؤها في ذاكرتي، كيف أن الاستقواء جعل المدارس سجوناً، وكيف أن المزاح تحول إلى إجرام. وها أنا أرى نفسي في طفلتي الزهرة الذابلة، ولا أستطيع أن أفعل شيئاً بعد أن جربت كل شيء. لا أريدها أن تصبح مثلهن، ولا أريدها أن تكون ضحية لهن، إلا أنني لا أجد في تلك المدرسة إلا نوعين: الزهور، والأشواك.
"لا تخافي يا ابنتي، اذهبي إلى المدرسة، أنت في أمان، تحدثت إلى أمهات تلك الضباع". كم يحزنني أن أتفوه بتلك الكذبة لابنتي، فلا هي في أمان ولا في راحة. أحبك يا ابنتي، وسامحيني.

السارق النبيل

رأيتها، ورآني، فاتجهت إليها وأخذتها، أبحتها لنفسي، ورغبت فيها حين وجدتها، لاحقني وهو يريدها، وطالبني بردها، سارعت خطاي لأسبقه، وكان ذلك أفضل لها، جلت المدينة حتى أضيعه، لكن هو لم يزل يلاحقها، تساءلت: هل ما فعلت يستحق العناء؟ وما فعلته من حقها؟ ما أعرفه هو أنه لم يحسن إليها، وأنا سأكون راعٍ لها، أضعته ووجدت منزلي فكان من يومها بيتها، ومن يومها كذلك الذنب يقتلني، أسرقت الهرة أم أنقذتها.

السجود للغرب

أيها الناس، أإذا جاء أمر من الغرب، من الخارج، أعجبكم واتخذتموه سبيلاً؟ أإذا رأيتم الكتاب المترجم، فضلتموه على القلم العربي الأصيل؟ لماذا بدأنا نفقد هوياتنا؟ ولماذا بدأنا نتخذ الغرب قبلة في الحياة؟
أنت! أسمعت بكتب تطوير النفس الحديثة والمترجمة؟ أسمعت بكتب الإيجابية، والسر، وقانون الجذب؟ لماذا اتجه الناس إلى تلك الكتب التي كتبت على أيدي الغرب، بعدما ظهرت تلك النواتج من الكتب من فلسفاتهم وتحليلاتهم؟ ألم تسمعوا بحديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:"تفاءلوا بالخير تجدوه".. ألا يلخص ذلك مجموعة تلك الكتب؟ أليست هذه الكتب ما هي إلا ترجمة عربية لترجمة وتفسير أجنبي لما لدى العرب منذ قديم الزمان؟ ألا تعلم أن الثقة بالله وحسن الظن به، والتفاؤل ما هو إلا قانون الجذب عينه، ولكن المسميات المتداولة لدى الناس هي المسميات المترجمة للمسميات الأجنبية؟
قد صدق من قال المثل الأجنبي: "إن الحشائش مخضرة أكثر دوماً في الجانب الآخر." فلأننا لا نقنع بما لدينا، ونرى العيب فيما بين أيدينا، نلجأ إلى الآخرين، في حين أن قرآننا وأحاديث رسولنا هي الأفضل والأسمى للاعتماد عليها في تطوير الذات، ومن الأولى أن تكون الكتب التطويرية مكتوبة على يد العربي المسلم متكئاً على الأدلة القرآنية والنبوية.
أخي وأختي، لماذا ننفر من كل ما جاء باسم الدين؟ وإذا قمنا بذلك، من أين جاء حقنا في الغضب على المعتدين على الدين؟ أولسنا نحن أكبر المخطئين في حقه بالنفور منه والبحث عن بدائل؟ لماذا يصبح النص والمقال المدعم بالأدلة القرآنية والأحاديث أقل إثارة مما دعم بدراسات في الخارج؟ أوليس الغرب معرضون للخطأ في حين أن القرآن كامل شانل لا أخطاء فيه؟
يا ابن وبنت الشرقية، أوليس سجودكم إلى جهة الغرب؟ أتسجدون للكعبة أم تسجدون لأمريكا؟ لا أريد أن أسمع نفيكم واعتراضاتكم، بل أريد أن أراها وأشعر بها، وأريد أن أرى فخراً واعتزازاً بما نحن نمثل، وأريد أن أرى منافسة شريفة مع الغرب بدلاً من كون خيل لجامهم يقودونا إلى الاعتماد عليهم.
"صنع في السعودية"، يا أخي، يا أختي، أريد أن أراها، أريد أن أرى عبارة "صنع في السعودية" مكتوبة على أدواتنا وبضاعاتنا. أليس من المخجل أن نسكت عندما نسأل عن صناعاتنا المحلية، أو نكتفي بذكر "العباية"؟ يا أولي الألباب، يا ذوي العقول، اخدم وطنك، وكن فرداً فاعلاً في جعل السعودية "الصين الجديدة".
لا يبهرني أن أسمع عن سعودي أو عربي مسلم اخترع اختراعاً مفيداً للعالم، أو أنه حصل على جائزة نوبل، أو قدم إنجازاً قد ينفع هذا الكوكب بأكمله، إذا كان قد استقر في أراضيهم وبلادهم، فإن فقد الشخص هويته فقد انتماؤه Ygdkh، ولم نعترف به إن لم يعترف بنا وببلادنا؟ من يبهرني هو من كانت له الفرصة في الاستقرار في الخارج، وقرر أن يرفض أن يبقى عندهم حتى يعمل كل ما يستطيع أن يفعله لخدمة الوطن، وتقديم الإنجاز باسم الوطن، والأهم: حافظ على هويته المسلمة العربية.
يا إخوتي: لن أستطيع أن أكسر جميع أصنامكم من صناعات أجنبية، وكتابات غربية، وتقاليد عمياء غبية، ولكن أطلب منكم أن تحطموها في قلوبكم، وأن تستفيدوا من النافع عندهم فقط، والتقدم عليهم بإذن الله، حطموا الأصنام، هذه المرة: لن يفعلها كبيرهم (الأصنام)، بل ستفعلوها أنتم إن شاء الله.

السعودة: مصلحة للوطن، أم مصلحة للمواطن؟

السعودة: مصلحة للوطن، أم مصلحة للمواطن؟
جاء الأجانب بشهاداتهم المدهشة ودرجات علمهم الرفيعة إلى مملكتنا العربية السعودية، ليستوطنوا هنا، واجتهدوا للحصول على فرص العمل المتوفرة، حتى تمكنوا من السيطرة على المناصب النادرة سالبين حق أبناء الوطن في فرصة العمل. هنا لم تجد الحكومة حلاً غير اللجوء إلى السعودة، وجعل الأولوية للمواطن السعودي في الحصول على هذه الفرصة. هل كان ذلك في مصلحة المواطنين أم في مصلحة الوطن؟ أرى أننا قد نلحظ انخفاضاً ملحوظاً في نسبة بطالة السعوديين والسعوديات، ولكن الوطن فقد خبرة وعلم ذاك الأجنبي الذي استبدلوه بالسعودي، والذي قد يأتي بفائدة أكبر وخدمات ذات جودة أعلى وتميز أكثر.
أنا لا أقترح أن نلغي نظام السعودة ونعيد الأجانب، ولا أقترح أن نرسل جميع العاطلين عن العمل إلى جزيرة مهجورة حتى نخفض نسبة البطالة، بل أقترح أن ننمي القدرات العالية ونخلق الإبداع في شخصية كل مواطن سعودي، لأن تميز المملكة الحقيقي لن يقوم إلا على يد أبناءها. ولا نريد يوما أن يملك السعودي فرصة العمل لمجرد أنه سعودي، بل لأنه فخر لبلاده ، متفوق على غيره ، مستحق موقعه.
حين نظرت إلى مشاكل السعودة الحالية وجدت عدة عيوب نجدها في الكثير من السعوديين، فالكثير لا يستمرون في العمل، وتغيباتهم كثيرة، وإيجابيتهم محدودة، ومغالتهم في تقدير ذواتهم، وعدم التطوير وقلة الخبرة، وقلة الكفاءة المهنية، والحرفية المهنية.
الخطوة الأولى لحل المشكلة وكسر حدتها هي تكثيف التدريب والتطوير، في مجال التخصص نفسه، وفي مجالات أخرى لتطوير المهارات المتعلقة بالعمل كتطوير الكفاءة والحرفية، ومهارات التفكير والابداع والعمل الجماعي ومهارات التخاطب وغيرها من المهارات اللازمة لاتقان العمل. ولتطبيق ذلك يمكننا أن نرسل السعوديين والسعوديات إلى الخارج حيث نجد جودة أكبر في تطوير مهارات العمل وتعميق وترسيخ العلم فيهم، وأن نوجد مراكز تطوير وتدريب مكثفة أكثر مما نجد الآن حتى نعطي الفرصة للعاجزين عن السفر إلى الخارج، واختيار الأفضل والأكثر تمكناً ليقوم بمهمة التدريب والتعليم.
الخطوة الثانية هي وضع أنظمة وقوانين صارمة تخضع للمعايير العالمية، وتطبيق القوانين الموجودة حالياً في المستشفيات والمدارس والمكاتب والمراكز التجارية وغيرها من الأماكن العامة، وبذلك نجعل بلدنا لا يقل في المستوى عن غيره من البلدان الأخرى. هذا سيجعل الموظفين أكثر رسمية وجدية في العمل -بإذن الله- وبالتالي يرفع من مستوى جودة الخدمات المتاحة.
الخطوة الثالثة تكمن في نشر الوعي بأهمية العمل "بضمير" والإيجابية في بيئات العمل المختلفة، والتشجيع على العمل المتقن وتطوير الذات بمكافئات وغيرها. التغيير وخلق مكان للعمل غير ممل قد يرفع مستوى دافعية الموظفين وبالتالي نتائج أفضل.
أنا أرى أن السعودية لا ينقصها شيء حتى نتنافس مع الدول الأخرى، فعندنا رؤوس الأموال والأيدي العاملة والنفط والموارد، إلا أننا لا نستخدم قدراتنا الكامنة لعدة أسباب، منها قلة الخبرة، والكسل، وعدم تحقيق الأهداف فكثير منا من يضع أهدافه السامية على الأوراق دون أن نبدأ بفتح السبل لتحقيقها . من ناحية الخبرة، اقترحت عدداً من الأمور التي تزيد الخبرة والعلم، ولكن عن الكسل وعدم تحقيق أو وجود الأهداف في الأصل، فهذا يعتمد على الفرد نفسه. يمكن أن نشجع الفرد حتى يصبح أكثر نشاطاً وحماساً لخدمة وتطوير الوطن، عبر جعل طرق التدريب والتطوير أكثر متعة وتشجيع المتدربين على المنافسة الشريفة، وكذلك بتهييج مشاعر الغيرة على الوطن وتوضيح قيمة المواطنة والانتماء والاحساس بالمسؤولية حتى يهتم الفرد بتطوير نفسه ومجتمعه والعالم الذي يعيش فيه.
ختاما .. أأعتبر ما أفكر به حباً للوطن أم كرهاً لما أراه فيه رغم المؤهلات العالية في المملكة؟ مهما كان الدافع، أجد رغبتي قوية لنتقدم ونجعل مركز الإسلام أكثر تطوراً، وأن تصبح المملكة العربية السعودية من الدول المنافسة في مجالات العمل المختلفة، من طب وهندسة وفن وثقافة ورقي مستمر إلى القمم. ربما يكون ذلك بداية جديدة لعهد جديد يكثر فيه المواطنون ذكوراً كانوا وإناثاً، الذين يتمتعون بالخصال الرفيعة والقيم الاسلامية ونسبة عالية من الطموح والحماس والفكر الواعي لتحسين وضع الوطن ولحياة أفضل للجميع.

The Grass Will Be Always Greener This Side

I had no other choice but to become Saudi. I had no other choice but to be born a female in Saudi. That was God’s will, and I will not change what God has decided. I lived most of the 17 years of my life opposing whatever I find not up to my satisfaction level here in Saudi Arabia. I have lived here all my life, but as they have always said: “The grass is always greener the other side.” Actually, the grass was in fact always greener in the other side. The grass is greener in Britain, and America. The grass is also greener in Malaysia and Thailand. However, I did not try to “make our grass greener.” Instead, I focus so hard on finding ways to get to the other side where the grass is greener.
My attitude wasn’t right. I should not keep looking at the positive points of “the other side,” but should look at the positive point of my country that I belong to, and the negative points that are vulnerable to the power of human minds and the creativity of Saudi’s youth. I know that I can leave this area, where I can’t find the grass green enough for me, yet it would only mean that I am weak as I am escaping my troubles.
In order to make a plan to develop Saudi Arabia, I should look at the things that lead to the yellowish color of our grass. What most kept me against my beloved country in most discussions I have about this country is about women in Saudi. When I ask myself about the claims I used in those discussions, I feel a bit silly. Do I want to move out of the country because women cannot drive? Maybe it was rather wise than careless when the government outlawed driving for the protection of Saudi women, but I am not here to debate that. I am here to suggest how I could develop my country within the limitations the country has put for me.
My main goal to improve Saudi is to utilize the talents and capabilities of Saudi women who did not have the chance to put their talents in the right places. Though it may seem impossible for an individual my age to accomplish this, but influencing ambitious Saudis and creating a supporting team would make my dream come true. Since the day we’ve heard that the trip to the moon became possible, we should never think that anything is impossible.
We have very talented women here in Saudi, but sometimes it is not clear where to use those talents. My idea is mainly to establish a special center for each talent and capability, and to support the inner potential of these women. For example, establish women’s public art exhibitions for artist amateurs. Establish design centers producing local clothing and accessories that have women staff who are interested in sewing and making interesting designs. Publishing stories and books written by Saudi women should be spread and supported. Sports matches and competitions should be held.
Basically, each center should have one or more year courses that teach the basic skills the female should have in order to produce. Whatever is produced could be sold and/or places in exhibitions. This way we can use what these Saudi women can do, and at the same time form local industries.
We want our Saudi women not to feel less than Saudi men. The thing here is that many women here in Saudi see that men are offered more and easier opportunities than women. I have been in this phase myself. Maybe it is because the country is just recently becoming open-minded and they are starting to provide more chances for women. I can see that. I also see many determined motivated open-minded women that outnumber the chances provided.
As soon as I graduate from college, I am going to -if God permits- establish my own small organization to move closer to my goal. It is not that hard to find individuals who have similar visions as me. This team could be made up of men and women, but serves for empowering women and giving them chances to show this country how they could help in making their grass greener. I am sure that I would find many supporters and a sponsor as well.
My idea might be a job opportunity to some women, while to some it is a proof how Saudi women could be as productive and beneficial as the most successful men in Saudi, or even more. We have many women who became very successful without having those clear opportunities in front of them, by fighting and struggling to obtain such chances. We don’t want any struggles and difficulties when it comes to chances. I believe that everyone should have a chance to prove himself. Since women are the least here given those chances, we should offer more chances to them.


Confusion, puzzlement, and mystification.. This is how I felt when I was in the second step of creating this blog. A new world where I can share my thoughts and ideas, and find ones who understand what I mean by pressing a series of buttons on my keyboard, and I am asked to name my house in this world? Should I name it by my own name? Mayada's crib. My name does contain a beautiful meaning beyond that tune I find ugly. I never liked my name, should I use it to attract many readers to my texts and words of inspiration? A "soft smooth tree with dancing leaves" is not what I really hear each time someone calls on my name. What I hear is the sound the letters of my name make up. I asked several people to help me come up with a title that satisfies me to name my blog. Then, she came online: a friend that is worth all my words and more. She gave me several ideas, until she came up with Moodalicious. I am called Moody, because it resembles my name and personality. Sara, the girl with all the answers, and if not, the girl with the most answers, thanks. You saved the day, again.