Confusion, puzzlement, and mystification.. This is how I felt when I was in the second step of creating this blog. A new world where I can share my thoughts and ideas, and find ones who understand what I mean by pressing a series of buttons on my keyboard, and I am asked to name my
house in this world? Should I name it by my own name? Mayada's crib. My name does contain a beautiful meaning beyond that tune I find ugly. I never liked my name, should I use it to attract many readers to my texts and words of inspiration? A "soft smooth tree with dancing leaves" is not what I really hear each time someone calls on my name. What I hear is the sound the letters of my name make up. I asked several people to help me come up with a title that satisfies me to name my blog. Then, she came online: a friend that is worth all my words and more. She gave me several ideas, until she came up with Moodalicious. I am called Moody, because it resembles my name and personality. Sara, the girl with all the answers, and if not, the girl with the most answers, thanks. You saved the day, again.
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